26.01.2006, 09:29
Registriert seit: 06.11.2005
Ort: Wurmulon 9
Beiträge: 558
CT_RaidAssist 1.51 official 'lag-free' version!
Es ist wieder soweit.
CT_RaidAssist 1.51 official 'lag-free' version!
TS - 01/25/2006 @ 06:32pm
After a few weeks of 'hiccups' from unannounced changes in patch 1.9, we finally narrowed down the problem with CTRA. The problem wasn't a simple one, nor an obvious one; but it stemmed from the size of the RA windows. While Soin was testing for development of a new addon he was working on, he found a problem with frameStrata="LOW" which is also what CTRA uses. For some reason, we were able to alleviate any fps lag/hiccups by modifying this function. We're still not sure what the change was, why it was made, or anything like that, but all testing thus far has shown vast improvements for all users.
CTRA 1.51 is up and available on our downloads page, and we hope everyone who previously experienced problems finds this version to be much smoother.
(We also fixed the rogue call announcement on the Nefarian encounter, sorry rogues.)