Mage nerf
This is indeed true. Zandalarian Hero Charm and the Talisman of Ephemeral Power can no longer be stacked, along with most of the other trinkets from Zul'Gurub and the level 50 class quest trinkets. A simultaneous cooldown will prevent these items from being used simultaneously. EDIT: Let me explain the cooldown further, since there are questions. Use of these trinkets will trigger a cooldown equal to the duration of the effects -- which means that you can indeed use one directly after another. mhmm ... kkthx giev Neltharions Träne, bye |
find ich aber nicht schlimm...und ebenso Trent zustimm
solange es noch mit Arcane Power stackt reichts immernoch fürs instantkill an nem schurken. und ob ich dann frostbold + instant frostbold mache is eigentlich egal :D
aber da ich eh kein trinketmage bin is es mir egal kkthxbye |
sindse nit :confused: |
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